
And then there were five…

It’s been two weeks since our second son was born and I became a mother of three. In some ways it has flown by, in others it feels like it has been the longest two weeks of my life. The ups and downs have been pretty tough and despite looking like I’m holding it together… Continue reading And then there were five…


Having another baby

Illness, two children who aren’t sleeping properly and the third trimester of your third pregnancy do not good bedfellows make. I wasn’t going to blog about this pregnancy, but now I am more than two thirds of the way through I have decided to get some of it down to a) keep a record of… Continue reading Having another baby

Family · Work

How I got my mojo back

It turns out that studying while looking after an eight-month-old baby and a three-year-old is hard. I don’t think my sleep-deprived brain had fully realised the impact of what I was about to do until I was immersed in the Digital Mums course. During the application and interview process I had been warned that I… Continue reading How I got my mojo back

Family · Work

My freelance life: MNC bus blogathon

Following the birth of my daughter I found myself at a crossroads when it came to going back to work. As much as I loved my job, the hours were barely manageable with one child and the thought of going back to working long hours and travelling a lot with two children filled me with… Continue reading My freelance life: MNC bus blogathon


A letter to my daughter…

It’s Saturday evening and I’ve just put you down in your cot knowing that tomorrow, when you wake us at some ungodly hour of the morning, you will have been with us for a whole year. I haven’t had much time to take in the first year. I haven’t been able to attend to every… Continue reading A letter to my daughter…


Days off and train mojitos

31 MARCH 2016 It’s funny what constitutes time off for me these days. The prospect of long, lazy lie-ins, a leisurely breakfast while reading the paper and an afternoon trip to the pub seem to be at the end of a very long tunnel which I am expected to emerge from in about 18 years’… Continue reading Days off and train mojitos

Family · Lifestyle · Work

The Times They Are a-Changin’

15 MARCH 2016 Today I quit my job. It was an incredibly difficult decision to make and I have agonised over it for months, but I know it is the right one. I thought I would feel relieved but I don’t, I feel very sad, and without trying to sound melodramatic, like I’ve left an… Continue reading The Times They Are a-Changin’